About Me
My Resume
For Sale
Dirt Bikes
FLoAtiNg SuRfBoArDs

In my english class we are putting resumes on our web-sites. Thats kool becasue then we get to see how far we have come and know where our future is headed.

The schools I have attended are:
* Pre School~~ Kiddie Kare
**Kindergarten~~ Gettysburg Elementary
***Elemantary School~~ Gettysburg Elementary
**** Junior High School~~ Reyburn Intermediate
***** High School~~ I am curently attending Clovis East
                                 High  School
Clovis East


Accomplishments & Goals
~ Made a Webfolio
~ Learned how to design a cabin
~ Drew more drawings in my art class
~ In track I ran harder than the last two years
~ I had a faster time in the mile coming in at around 7:21
~ I met new friends
~ I have kept my grades up to a B+
Goals for High School
My main goal is just to pass Spanish and all of my classes with A's. I want to keep my grades a B+ or higher to get into a great colledge
Another one of my goals are to be really, really, really, fast in track, I want to get at least a 63 in the 400m instead of getting an average of 68.
Another goal of mine is to be a fast dirt bike/quad rider and do tons of free-style tricks. I want to make more friends and get into modeling, Get recognized for running in track and for my artwork. It would be awesome to have my artwork get a first place ribbon and be noticed for it. I want to be a model for Thor Racing or like some kind of magazine.  
Goals for after High School
The goals for after school are to be accepted into a colledge by a track scholorship and go to a University for 4 years. Or get any kind of scholorhsip that will get me a good place in an university. Get a great job that I will be happy working in.

Special Courses
~ I am taking Drafting
~ Art 2 and next year I am going into Art 3
~ I am in Girl Scouts & we have helped the community out in many ways
Special Skills & Experiences
~ Made new friends
~ I know how to make a cabin on ACAD
~ I can interpret Shakespeare's sonnets, plays, and all of his writings
~ I am able to collect information and turn it into a informational essay
~ I learned about William Shakespeare and all of his accomplishments
~ I can understnad more readings and connect them with life   
    experiences and the other authors
~ I can read and track articles and understand what I'm reading
~ How to collect information and put it together
Work Experience
~ I babysit my sisters and other families
~ I can get my class work done and over with and go play sports with my family
~ I have experience through Girl Scouts
~ One of my hobbies are dirt biking and quading
~ I draw and sketch
~ I love to play sports
~ Taking photographs
~ Haning out with friends
~ I am interested in learning about Ancient Egypt and all of the old
~I am intersted in how to play sports better and run faster
~ I like to learn about nature and different animals
~ Reading stories that are page turners and capture you from the beginning
Personal Characteristics
I am very hyper at times. I can be very quiet the first time we meet but then i start to become more comfortable around everyone then you can't shut me up. I want to learn how to drive a tank and fly a helicopter. Helicopter's are so kool I can't wait untill I am old enough to fly one! This summer I get to learn how to surf, my cousins are going to be there and it's going to be so much fun!!! I like all kinds of music except for slow jaz and old old classic, other wise I like it all.

Community Service
I have helped out the community through school and Girl Scouts I have been in Girl Scouts for nine years and plan to be in it for a very long time. School, I like putting smiles on everyone's face even if that is making a funny face in the hallways during passing.